sitelen nasa (؇)
a.k.a: mi pali e ni tan seme
I made a shitty writing system for Toki Pona. To convert from Toki Pona to Sitelen Nasa™, you can follow a few simple steps. Here they are.
- If there is an odd number of words, add an "a" to the end.
- If there is a proper noun in the sentence, add "pi nimi" before the proper noun and convert to Toki Pona words using the same mechanism as in Sitelen Pona. For instance, "jan Aleke" could become "jan pi nimi awen lipu esun kili en."
- Convert your Toki Pona words to numbers between 0 and 119 using the chart.
- Convert each pair to a single number with this formula: 120 × [1st number] + [2nd number]
- Convert each of your new numbers into hexadecimal.
- If there are three or less digits in any of your hexadecimal numbers, add enough zeros before them to make them four digits in length.
- Convert each hexadecimal number to the corresponding Unicode codepoint. If the codepoint doesn't work (e.g. it doesn't show up on your device, it's invisible, it's in the Private Use Area, etc.) then you can add a 1 or 2 before the hexadecimal number and then convert.
- Enjoy your very dense Toki Pona writing system, and regret your life decisions.
This is the chart: